We Buy Used Cars!

At Greenfield Auto Specialists, not only do we sell top-quality cars for our customers, but we also buy cars from them as well. If you're curious what your well-taken care of used and/or classic car is worth, contact us for a no-hassle valuation. We'll let you know if we are interested and contact you ASAP with an offer.

We also seek out both vintage and modern classics and rarities, and understand their true value versus book value. We love buying and selling interesting cars from our interesting customers!

Whether its a foreign or domestic, a sedan or truck/pickup, an enthusiast's dream or a modern classic—we'll give you an honest valuation in the current market!

Use the form below to send us a summary of your car, and we'll be in touch as soon as we can!

Add any notes you think are relevant to the value of the car, e.g. rust, repair work, maintenance history, etc.